Tuesday, July 14, 2009

How To Lose Fat Without Losing Your Mind

Everywhere you turn you will find adverts on how to lose fat. These are plastered about newspapers, the internet, television and the radio, it is impossible to avoid the issue.

This is not an issue that should be avoided however, has it has become clear that obesity could be the next big killer as more and more people are reported to have this disease. As a result of this the weight loss industry continues to show high levels of growth, it is now possible to get a complete range of products from food to machines that guarantees rapid weight loss.

We often ask ourselves the question, why is it only humans that suffer with weight issues. It is not as if you see animals that have the same problem. The answer to the question is not too difficult to figure out.

While we do know that there are various factors such as exercise, genetics and even hormones that contribute to weight gain, there is really one overriding factor. The fact of the matter is that we have to watch our diets as once it goes past the lips, it will settle on the hips and belly (this is where exercise comes in if you are serious about losing belly fat).

It is recommended that we ensure that we have a healthy eating plan with a good mixture of carbohydrates, proteins and good fats (in small quantities). An eating plan of this nature would include fresh fruit and vegetables, white meat (such as chicken and turkey), fish and of course whole grain foods. It can be quite a test to eat healthily all the time so you are allowed to now and then have a small treat in the shape of a chocolate or processed foods but it is really important to ensure that these are only eaten in moderation. You should also make sure that you drink eight glasses of water every day.

Getting the right amount of exercise is also very important. If you fail to do this then your body is likely to take all the food that you have eaten and store it as fat. You need to make sure that it converts this to energy that can be burned while you exercise. With the advances that we have in technology though, it is small wonder that we find exercising more challenging.

Now that most of us have computers with an internet connection we can do all manner of things on line. It is possible to do your grocery shopping, get a ticket and do all your banking (amongst other things) all from the comfort of your own home. This means that it is no longer necessary to make trips to the mall and as a result we lose out on exercise. This means that we now join the gym to make sure that we get onto the step machine and try our hand at keeping up with the treadmill.

The first steps have been taken then, you have joined the gym, you are eating healthily and after a week you might think that it is time to jump on the scale to see how far you have come. By all means do this but do not be caught in the trap where you expect to suddenly have lost weight as it does not always work like this. You might find that you are in fact a bit heavier and the most likely reason for this is that you are starting to develop muscle and as you should know, muscle weighs more than fat does. So take heart and know that you are doing the right thing.

There is some work involved in the best ways of how to lose fat. But you will soon see great reactions from your friends and family and this should inspire you to continue.

For more tips and advice, check out my website on how to lose ten pounds in 10 days

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